Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Whew! I can't believe I forgot to wish everybody a Happy Belated Royal Wedding on Friday! What was your favorite part? I got home from work on Friday night and checked out some of the highlights via DVR.  I seriously don't know how I would function without it! The recording we had was 5 hours long, and I'm pretty sure I watched about 30 minutes total. I did catch the best parts though. Of course I had to watch Kate's entrance and to see her dress and I think the only other part I watch was the kiss. I didn't really get into the mumble jumble crap. I did however, think her dress was AMAZING!! I'm pretty sure my favorite part so far about planning my wedding has been planning wardrobe. Getting dressed is one of my favorite parts of the day, so of course its got to be outdone x10 for a wedding. So, in honor of the hype of the Royal Wedding, I will show you my favorite part incase you missed:
Ok so enough Royal Wedding excitement. I had a day off today so I worked on wedding stuff all day! I started off by drawing up centerpiece plans and assessed what I still needed in supplies. The venue I'm having my reception at has many different tables and a MONGO outdoor space, so I have 4 different centerpieces I'm using. I probably should have been a little more organized about my strategy, but thankfully I still have time. The closer and closer the day approaches, I feel more unorganized. I totally forgot about a hair appointment I'm suppose to have tomorrow, and I have to work. Opps. Thankfully I have very accommodating people in my life.
Ok, so besides realizing I was unorganized this morning, I spent about an hour looking for my glasses. I usually either have them in the bathroom or on my nightstand, and they had been missing for about 24 hours, (Anyone who knows me knows how precious my Ray-Bans are too me.) Just when I was positive one of the dogs had taken them and chewed them into pieces, I found them in the box of save-the-dates. ha!
After my absent minded morning was over I began working on my projects. I completed about 6 pomanders today, which is awesome! I also became pretty close to finishing up painting my table numbers too, which you'll see in the future:). I caped my day off by setting some of my centerpiece displays so I could see them and make corrections if needed. Very successful day all in all. Danny has also been such a help with the pomanders. He's in the middle of finals week, and during his study breaks he helped fan fold tissue paper. What a doll:)
Tonight, I'll leave you with the arrangement I assembled for my head table. Bon voyage! (Sorry I'm an old person and I go to bed early...every night).

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